SmartH2O has an open source approach to software development. You can find the software developed during the SmartH2O project in the following repositories:
- HERE you find the GitHub repository with the code developed for single-user behavioural modelling from smart-metered data. The directory contains:
- Matlab scripts used to run SmartH2O single-user behaviour models as described in deliverable D3.4 (“Final user behavior models and ABM platform”)
- Python scripts to run HSID algorithm, published as: Cominola, A., Giuliani, M., Piga, D., Castelletti, A., & Rizzoli, A. E. (2017). A Hybrid Signature-based Iterative Disaggregation algorithm for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. Applied Energy, 185, 331-344.
- HERE you find the Bitbucket repository with the code of the components of the SmartH2O platform.
- HERE you find the AnyLohgic models of the ABM simulation platform.
Further information on how to download and use each software can be found at the links above. For any type of further questions please email or the contacts you find at the links above.